India, interrupted

It’s the time of year where I renew my hosting of this site. I thought that I’d let it go, not renew it, because who cares about it etc etc, but when the time came I couldn’t do it, so I paid up. Too many memories attached. I know my mam likes my posts so I might as well do some! I have a million photos of my last trip so why not post them for posterity. And more travel is on the agenda. When I was away I really didn’t have time to write…
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First impressions

So I made it to India. I’m currently on a bumpy bus with a group of very nice people heading to Agra, and tomorrow we visit the Taj Mahal. The main inspiration for visiting India. But that’s for tomorrow. So far the overwhelming impression of Delhi is the crowds and the traffic and driving. To say the traffic is crazy is an understatement. Bikes, rickshaws, tuk-tuks, buses, cars and pedestrians all share the road, and everyone just navigates their way to where they went to go. On larger roads lane discipline is non-existent, they drive…
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Testing, testing

Well hello blogging world, it’s been a while. I’m finally doing something that merits recording here in my online diary - I’m going on a trip! Next week I’m going to India, then on to Nepal after that. So I really don’t know what to expect or how it’s going to go, but I’m looking forward to it.
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A humble ambition

For my fifth marathon I am finally trying to do it properly in terms of strength and conditioning. To that end I have joined a gym that is across the road from me, and engaged a personal trainer for four weeks to teach me how to lift weights and generally cop myself on when it comes to strength exercises. I'm not expecting miracles between now and the end of October, the date for the Dublin marathon, but I would like to be able to run the whole thing, and not need to take any walk…
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