A great day out – London Landmarks half marathon 3 April 2022
I had a fantastic week in London in April – have been thinking about it ever since, so tonight is as good a night as any to post for posterity. It’s dark and gloomy here in Dublin – the usual disappointing Irish ‘summer’ weather – and it’s in no way good for my mood, so I am distracting myself by looking at my numerous photos and getting them ready for posting here.
The thing that got me there in the first place was the LLHM – I think my entry was from 2020 maybe, rolled over to now due to the pandemic. I booked my flights and accommodation in January, not even sure if I would be able to go, if the Covid situation would allow it. But as it got closer, things were ok here and in the UK, so I decided I was definitely going. And am I glad I did! The race itself is a charity event and superbly organised – got the tube to Green Park, followed the signs to the London buses which were used as bag drops, and then hung around St James’s Square waiting for the nod for my wave to assemble. After a bit of a fun, loud and dancey warm-up, my wave, Sunshine, started exactly on time.

The route itself was amazing, all through central London, making our way down to the Tower of London, where we turned and ran straight back up the Embankment, to finish near Downing Street. Couldn’t be a more amazing route. And the support along the way was fantastic – there were people literally everywhere, as well as music and London characters. Witness Anne Boleyn near the Tower. Speaking of Anne Boleyn, they have her translated Bible in the British Library, along with many other treasures which I think I will document here another time. But it was very nice to see her on race day!

It was a glorious day, cool initially, but the sun got hot and I was glad of the shade of the big buildings as we weaved our way through the city. My running was nothing to write home about, I was under-trained really, and there were plenty of walking breaks; but it was such a joy to be there, in the sunshine, in London, healthy and free, that even when my back tightened up and made things difficult, I kept on smiling and they were real smiles.
I would recommend this race to any one, and they have cool medals.

Yay! Julie is back
Nice route, for sure; I’m glad you had a good time. Thanks for sharing the pics
Thanks Matt! Hope all well with you