A good start

Another two quiet miles before work this morning. I did feel I was huffing and puffing a bit, but it’s probably to be expected when my running has been a bit erratic between one thing and another. Not to mention the pandemic and associated carbohydrates. But I like going before work, gets me up and showered and ready for the day. Not a bad start.
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Another abnormal run

Another pre-work 2 miles this morning. More overcast but just as quiet, though I did say good morning to 3 people who were looking at me. Getting up at (almost) my usual time during the week is a good idea I think; it won’t be too much of a shock to the system when eventually things go back to normal. But who knows when that will be?
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Grateful gardening

Back to work today after five lovely days off for Easter, where I didn’t run at all, but saved my energy for gardening. It’s a bit of a pandemic cliche at this stage, but I have never felt so motivated to clean and tidy our garden. I have spent many hours scrubbing 20 years of dirt off the patio with a wire brush, and derived more satisfaction from the results than I can believe! I planted every seed I had, repotted plants and planted up some bulbs my mother gave me. I am moving plants…
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