Waiting for the switch to flip

Did my long run, 6 miles, yesterday morning, as per my plan. The weather was colder than last week, 5 degrees, felt like 3, but no wind and a bit of sunshine so it was actually quite pleasant. I adjusted my clothing so as to avoid overheating, but in truth I could have run in short sleeves after I warmed up, even at 5 degrees. I felt ok during it, had brought some water with electrolytes, and that kept me going, though I was warm and had to stop a few times to blow my…
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Record breaking

Not much to say tonight. Plan called for 40 mins hilly route but I was late starting and it was too dark for hills, so I just ran around in circles at a leisurely pace for 30 mins. That is 3 week-night runs in a week for me, which must be a record. The weather is changing so I am afraid of not being able to get out at all, so have to take my chances. 6 miles on Saturday is the plan now.
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Brexit intervals

I debated staying to watch coverage of the Brexit vote in the House of Parliament, but it was a fine dry evening so I hit the record button on my tv and went out. Intervals on the plan tonight - 3 miles in total with 3 blocks of .5 miles run fast. I enjoyed it - more than Theresa May enjoyed the vote I would wager. What a mess they are in. My half marathon in London is scheduled for the final weekend before the UK is due to leave the EU. Let’s see if…
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Thank you shin splints

My plan said 30 minutes easy run and I did just that - well 31 to be exact, to get me home. I sat through a very boring presentation this afternoon at work and all I could think of was this run. Fine and dry and cold when I got home, so making hay, off I went. I wasn’t out long when I started feeling tightness in my shins - a sure sign for me that my calves are tight. So I stopped and stretched and that helped and the tightness gradually went. But it’s…
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