Good conditions underfoot
3 miles tonight: am too tired to say much about it but it was good. I only intended to do 2 as I was worried about frosty streets, but actually they were pretty dry and non-slippy so I kept going. That is actually my biggest concern about this 100 mile challenge next month – frost and ice. Any other weather I can run in but slippy conditions, no can do. Would like to avoid a treadmill. But we’ll see. No point worrying about that now.

Well done Julie. I agree – running in icy conditions is nerve wracking.
What are the specifics of your 100-mile run? Is it basically to cover 100 miles in Feb? Or is it a more-organized event?
Hi Matt. Yes it’s an organised fundraiser but you do the miles in your own time and report them. I’ve done a plan that incorporates training for my half in March but it still means running 5 days a week so we’ll see! Keeps me focused which is a good thing.
Nice… Sounds like a good challenge. What’s the fundraiser for? (Did you mention this in one of your posts and I’ve just forgotten it?)
It’s for the Mater Hospital and particularly for a fund that is in my father’s name, for oncology nurse education. So we want to raise as much as we can