It’s the time of year where I renew my hosting of this site. I thought that I’d let it go, not renew it, because who cares about it etc etc, but when the time came I couldn’t do it, so I paid up. Too many memories attached. I know my mam likes my posts so I might as well do some! I have a million photos of my last trip so why not post them for posterity. And more travel is on the agenda.
When I was away I really didn’t have time to write anything – the agenda was full on and we were going the whole time. But I have time now, so why not. I realised that part of my reluctance to post was the whole issue of photos – no one cares about a wordy blog so you need photos, but the uploading and sizing of images was always a pain in the ass. Too big and no one can open them, or only very slowly. However I think the app allows me to automatically resize the photos so I will give it a go. Please let me know how the photos work.
So when I left off we were heading to Agra, the home of the Taj Mahal. Here’s one photo to get started.