A happy Monday

It was pretty cold tonight, 4 degrees felt like 0 in the cold wind. However I wanted to go out so I just did 2 miles and that was a good start to my running week. It was so cold I wasn’t hardly red in the face when I came home, which must be a first. I intended to do some stretching but got distracted by laundry and chicken thighs so will have to reschedule. Happy Monday.
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Negative ions and 6 miles

My shoulders are in rag order - I think it’s desk-related and I have booked an ergonomic review at work, but I woke up with a stiff and painful right shoulder. A bit of stretching and a warm-up helped, but either way I was going out. The last time I ran 6 miles was the Aware 10k before Christmas, and I’ve only being doing 3 miles since then, but it was ok this morning. All those 3 mile runs have kept my fitness up, so I’m in a good position to start running a bit…
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Getting ready

Counting down to my 100-mile month in February, I did 3.2 miles last night door to door to the entrance to my estate. I’m counting precisely as I need to find a 4 mile well-lit route that I can run during the week. If everything goes to plan I will be doing 4 miles on week-nights, so I can add a bit to that route and be able to see where I’m going. Always good. I need to do 6 miles in the morning so I’m back to dry Friday nights and going to bed…
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Good conditions underfoot

3 miles tonight: am too tired to say much about it but it was good. I only intended to do 2 as I was worried about frosty streets, but actually they were pretty dry and non-slippy so I kept going. That is actually my biggest concern about this 100 mile challenge next month - frost and ice. Any other weather I can run in but slippy conditions, no can do. Would like to avoid a treadmill. But we’ll see. No point worrying about that now.
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