Finishing the race

Almost a week later, my legs are just about getting back to normal so it’s probably time to document my second Dublin marathon. In some ways there is not much to say: I finished, 13 minutes quicker than last year; it was a glorious autumn day, perfect running conditions; I had a great time; I walked like a zombie after it. My knee was fine in the end - it was my back that knackered me, but it was a familiar pain I could cope with. For the record my time was 5.20.18.  However we…
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Here we go

Well it’s the night before the marathon. After everything that happened this summer, it’s time to see what happens. At this stage I don’t know how my body is going to hold up: I’m hoping that my back and my knees will be ok and allow me to run most of the course. But it could go pear-shaped too. Either way I’m doing it and hoping for the best. It’s going to be a cold, dry and bright day so that will definitely help. I’m off to bed now. The clocks go back tonight so…
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Taper time

Just for the record, I did 12 miles on Saturday. My knee was fine thankfully but I did struggle a bit with energy and enthusiasm. I started up the canal in blazing autumn sunshine, and with no shade I was drained fairly quickly. I forgot how much direct sun wears me out. I eventually got into the shade of the Phoenix Park wall and I felt a bit better. Anyway I did it, which is the main thing. A few short runs this week will keep me ticking over during the taper.
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The mental running game

I started off faithfully writing up all my runs but that went pear-shaped over the summer. After my father died I started to get a pain in my right knee, which eventually got worse. The weekend before last I was due to do 19 miles but could only manage 10, and I really could have stopped at 6. Cue massive wobble, the worst I ever had with running. I couldn’t do the marathon, everything was finished, it was all a waste of time. I actually felt terrible, I think everything caught up with me. I…
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