Road testing new gear

Another cold night in Dublin - 4 degrees, felt like 3, perfect for running. I bought some new running leggings in Lidl the other night and they made their debut on the streets of Clonsilla this evening. Sadly, they won't be showing their face around there again. While they look nice, they were not supportive at all, and wouldn't stay up. By half a mile I had to stop and pull everything up and tuck it in, which is never a good look in public. That was repeated several times before I got home. Oh…
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Running with IBS

Just over 2 miles this evening and it was less than pleasant. My old friend IBS showed up as I got home from work. This meant my stomach was bloated and tender and it was quite uncomfortable for running. At least it was dark so no-one could see how pregnant I looked. IBS describes a collection of symptoms that arise from problems in the large intestine. It affects loads of people, mostly women, and can affect people in different ways. It can be extremely unpleasant and painful and can limit how your live your life.…
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A slightly hungover 5k

When I started marathon training, Mary, my coach, said that we would have to make some sacrifices to incorporate marathon training into our lives. For some it was Friday nights out with friends or time with family. For me it was the Saturday morning lie-on. It is a testament to how much I wanted to do the marathon that I gladly sacrificed my lie-ons, getting up very early most Saturday mornings over the summer to run, firstly at 9am and as the runs became longer, at 8am.  However another sacrifice was also required: the Friday…
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A moonlit run

A beautiful moon kept me company tonight on my 2 mile run. It lit the way. Couldn't stay in on a night like this.  The photo doesn't do it justice. 4 degrees, felt like 1, but fine once I warmed up. I really could feel last night's run in my legs and found my pace naturally much slower. I was glad I could just do 2 miles and go home. But equally glad that I went out.  
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