No more excuses

Rather than make excuses about the weather or feel depressed about the size of my belly, I decided to go for a run, raining or not. I just wanted to get out. Luckily the rain stopped as I got home and it turned into a nice clear night, 4 degrees, feeling like 2 according to my phone. However there was no wind so it was actually very nice once I got going. I ran 1.5 miles and then turned back as it was a nice, well-lit, leaf-free route. My luminous running jacket was a little…
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My marathon regrets

While overall I am really happy with my marathon experience, I do have some regrets. Two really. This first is that I didn't focus more on core strength. I ignored my own advice on this ( and paid the price. I had an issue over the summer with my glutes and piriformis but I sorted it with stretching and exercises and the help of a physio. I was too complacent on the other core areas ie stomach and back and it came back to bite me on marathon day when my back started acting up.…
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I can I will – the Dublin marathon

By public demand (thanks Declan) I have been persuaded to write a race report on my Dublin marathon, held on a beautiful Sunday in the city, 28 October 2018. I was inspired to run this year after standing in Castleknock last year, cheering on the runners. I have been running for a number of years and my furthest distance was a half-marathon, but I never really thought about going any further than that. However the excitement and emotion of that day last year in Castleknock village, where I grew up, really inspired me and I…
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Just do it

Last month I ran the Dublin Marathon. It was my first marathon and while it didn't go quite according to plan time-wise, I ran the whole way (well almost, too far to walk) and loved every minute of it. Bar the freak-out at 13.1 miles, but that's another story. Anyway it has made me love running more than ever so I have already entered for next year! I am determined to keep active over the winter. I have a half-marathon in London in March (before Brexit) so that is going to keep me honest and…
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