The scariest thing of all

After coming all this way and doing some nerve-wracking things like driving over the Sydney Harbour bridge or round the side of cliffs in New Zealand, or scuba diving in the pacific, the thing that scares me the most is getting into a foreign taxi or bus, especially when it's on the other side of the road. Jesus, my nerves! I ask the universe to protect me. Am having a nice glass of Argentinian Malbec to calm down. Might need two. As the taxi driver said - welcome to Argentina!!
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Stranded on Easter Island

First little hassle of the trip occurred lately when all flights to and from Easter Island were cancelled due to bad weather. That meant two extra sunsets, more moais and lots of queueing  and hanging  around but it got  sorted and I left Easter Island two days later than planned. There are definitely worse places to be stranded!  We were well looked after so it was all fine. Easter Island is a magical place, despite the lashings of rain we had the first day - check out the sexy gear, which was basically ripped to…
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Farewell Aotearoa

It's hard to believe I am coming to the end of my time in New Zealand. It is such a varied and beautiful country - I met a woman who said we don't have history but we have scenery! And they have it in spades.       The New Zealand people are really nice and friendly - way nicer than the Aussies. Much as I loved Australia, the people you meet in public were very closed and there was no chit-chat, the way there is at home. I think the Australians are very insular and their interest…
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All you need is love 

Te Papa in Wellington is the national museum of New Zealand and has some brilliant stuff about the history of this country, from Maori to pakeha (the European settlers of NZ). However this was my favourite thing. The Beatles in New Zealand with Maori tikis round their necks. Call me shallow.
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