The Cranky Blog

The end of an era

Tomorrow is a big day for me – I go back to work after a long time away from the workplace.

I lost my job in 2014: it was difficult but I came to realise it was a gift, a gift of time and money. I knew that this was my chance to do all the travelling I ever wanted to do. So I took it! It was a daunting prospect, but I knew it was ‘now or never’,  and if I didn’t go I would be just the person talking big but not following through.  So I went. And I had a fantastic time – you can read some of my experiences here.

But all good things must come to an end. I have to earn a living so am starting a new job tomorrow. And it’s ok – I am feeling good about it. I have come to terms with the fact I have to give up my freedom and I won’t be doing anything too exotic for a while. I am so lucky and privileged to have had the travel experience I had, and I will be eternally grateful. So no tears and no drama, I am getting on with it.

Well – maybe a few tears.



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